Curso de Inglés B2 (70 horas) en Campus Virtual Oficial de la Universidad de Cambridge

Información del curso
70 horas
Precio 129 €
Único curso online desarrollado por la Universidad de Cambridge. Los alumnos aprenderán inglés desde el propio Campus Virtual Oficial de la Universidad.
Este curso cubre todas las destrezas del idioma (Gramática/Vocabulario, Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking y Pronunciación) a través de teoría, ejercicios interactivos, ejercicios de refuerzo, juegos de contrarreloj, vídeos sobre acontecimientos cotidianos y revisiones.
Este curso cubre todas las destrezas del idioma (Gramática/Vocabulario, Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking y Pronunciación) a través de teoría, ejercicios interactivos, ejercicios de refuerzo, juegos de contrarreloj, vídeos sobre acontecimientos cotidianos y revisiones.
Unit 1:
• Talk about things you have other people do for you
• Talk about things that need to be fixed
• Use short sentences in informal conversations
• Use expressions like Uh-oh when something goes wrong
• Understand a conversation about planning an event
• Understand people talk about things they need to fix
• Read an article about problem-solving skills
• Write a proposal presenting a solution to a problem
• Causative get and have
• Need + passive infinitive and need + verb + -ing
• Errands
• Household problems
• Speak informally in "shorter sentences"
• Use expressions like Uh-oh! and Oops! when something goes wrong
Unit 2:
• Talk hypothetically about reactions and behavior
• Describe emotions and personal qualities
• Speculate about the past
• Share experiences
• Use like in informal conversations
• Understand people sharing experiences
• Understand a conversation about rude behavior
• Read an article on making apologies
• Write a note of apology
• Past modals would have, should have, could have
• Past modals for speculation
• Emotions and personal qualities
• Expressions describing behavior
• Use expressions such as That reminds me (of) . . . to share experiences
• Use like informally in conversation
Unit 3:
• Talk about possessions and materialism
• Discuss money management
• Report things that people said and asked
• Report the content of conversations
• Quote other people or sources of information
• Understand an interview about possessions
• Understand people say what they couldn't live without
• Read a blog about decluttering
• Write a survey article about possessions
• Reported speech
• Reported questions
• Expressions to describe ownership and possession
• Money
• Report the content of conversations you have had
• Quote other people or other sources of information
Unit 4:
• Talk hypothetically about the past using if clauses
• Talk about celebrities and being famous
• Use tag questions to give views or check information
• Use tag questions to soften advice
• Answer difficult questions
• Understand someone giving advice
• Read an article about child stars
• Write a profile of a successful person
• Use if clauses with the past perfect form of the verb to talk hypothetically about the past
• Tag questions
• Expressions to describe becoming famous, being famous, and losing fame
• Use tag questions to soften advice and give encouragement
• Answer difficult questions with expressions like It's hard to say
Unit 5:
• Talk about social changes
• Talk about environmental problems
• Link ideas with expressions like although, because of, in order to, and instead
• Refer back to points made earlier in the conversation
• Use formal vague expressions
• Understand a discussion about workplace trends
• Read an article about success via the Internet
• Write a post for a website about technology
• Passive of present continuous and present perfect
• Linking ideas
• Expressions to describe change
• Environmental problems
• Refer back to points made earlier in a conversation
• Use more formal vague expressions like
Unit 6:
• Talk about career planning and job prospects
• Highlight important information
• Talk about my future career plans
• Use expressions to introduce what I say
• Say I don't know if . . . to involve others
• Understand a conversation with a personal trainer
• Understand a discussion about a job advertisement
• Read an article about preparing for a job interview
• Write a job application
• What clauses and long noun phrases as subjects
• The future continuous and future perfect
• Expressions to describe a job search
• Areas of work, professions, and jobs
• Introduce what you say with expressions like The best part was (that) . .
• Use I don't know if . . . to introduce a statement and involve the other person in the topic
• Talk about things you have other people do for you
• Talk about things that need to be fixed
• Use short sentences in informal conversations
• Use expressions like Uh-oh when something goes wrong
• Understand a conversation about planning an event
• Understand people talk about things they need to fix
• Read an article about problem-solving skills
• Write a proposal presenting a solution to a problem
• Causative get and have
• Need + passive infinitive and need + verb + -ing
• Errands
• Household problems
• Speak informally in "shorter sentences"
• Use expressions like Uh-oh! and Oops! when something goes wrong
Unit 2:
• Talk hypothetically about reactions and behavior
• Describe emotions and personal qualities
• Speculate about the past
• Share experiences
• Use like in informal conversations
• Understand people sharing experiences
• Understand a conversation about rude behavior
• Read an article on making apologies
• Write a note of apology
• Past modals would have, should have, could have
• Past modals for speculation
• Emotions and personal qualities
• Expressions describing behavior
• Use expressions such as That reminds me (of) . . . to share experiences
• Use like informally in conversation
Unit 3:
• Talk about possessions and materialism
• Discuss money management
• Report things that people said and asked
• Report the content of conversations
• Quote other people or sources of information
• Understand an interview about possessions
• Understand people say what they couldn't live without
• Read a blog about decluttering
• Write a survey article about possessions
• Reported speech
• Reported questions
• Expressions to describe ownership and possession
• Money
• Report the content of conversations you have had
• Quote other people or other sources of information
Unit 4:
• Talk hypothetically about the past using if clauses
• Talk about celebrities and being famous
• Use tag questions to give views or check information
• Use tag questions to soften advice
• Answer difficult questions
• Understand someone giving advice
• Read an article about child stars
• Write a profile of a successful person
• Use if clauses with the past perfect form of the verb to talk hypothetically about the past
• Tag questions
• Expressions to describe becoming famous, being famous, and losing fame
• Use tag questions to soften advice and give encouragement
• Answer difficult questions with expressions like It's hard to say
Unit 5:
• Talk about social changes
• Talk about environmental problems
• Link ideas with expressions like although, because of, in order to, and instead
• Refer back to points made earlier in the conversation
• Use formal vague expressions
• Understand a discussion about workplace trends
• Read an article about success via the Internet
• Write a post for a website about technology
• Passive of present continuous and present perfect
• Linking ideas
• Expressions to describe change
• Environmental problems
• Refer back to points made earlier in a conversation
• Use more formal vague expressions like
Unit 6:
• Talk about career planning and job prospects
• Highlight important information
• Talk about my future career plans
• Use expressions to introduce what I say
• Say I don't know if . . . to involve others
• Understand a conversation with a personal trainer
• Understand a discussion about a job advertisement
• Read an article about preparing for a job interview
• Write a job application
• What clauses and long noun phrases as subjects
• The future continuous and future perfect
• Expressions to describe a job search
• Areas of work, professions, and jobs
• Introduce what you say with expressions like The best part was (that) . .
• Use I don't know if . . . to introduce a statement and involve the other person in the topic
Cada unidad dispone de material teórico, material práctico, vídeos de situaciones cotidianas, estrategias de conversación, videojuegos, revisión y un examen formal.
El curso cubre todas las destrezas del idioma:
- Expresión oral / Speaking
- Expresión escrita / Writing
- Comprensión auditiva / Listening
- Comprensión lectora / Reading
- Pronunciación
Precio 129 €
Precio inicial: 260 euros. Precio en oferta: 129 euros.
Además al finalizar el curso el alumno recibirá un cupón de descuento por valor de 130 euros para su próximo curso.
Curso de Inglés B2 (70 horas) en Campus Virtual Oficial de la Universidad de Cambridge
English With Cambridge
Campus y sedes: English With Cambridge
English With Cambridge
Avda. Menéndez y Pelayo, nº 8
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