The Blended Master in Logistics and Supply Chain refers to a fairly new option developed by MIT that allows learners to combine the MITx MicroMasters credential with one semester at Zaragoza Logistics Center in Spain (and which will also include a 3-week stay at MIT). Apply Now! The MicroMasters ZLC - Zaragoza Logistics Center
Avenida de Ranillas 5, Edificio 5A (EXPO), planta baja 50018 Zaragoza
17.700 €
The main aim of the PhD Program on Logistics and Supply Chain Management is to develop outstanding scholars who will pursue distinguished careers in research and education. Students work intensively with our faculty to create new knowledge in fields of interest such as supply chain coordination, ZLC - Zaragoza Logistics Center
Avenida de Ranillas 5, Edificio 5A (EXPO), planta baja 50018 Zaragoza
Más de 10.000 €
El Máster en Dirección de Supply Chain consigue un delicado equilibrio entre contenidos técnicos, indispensables para la gestión de la cadena de suministro, y un buen número de herramientas de dirección, como finanzas, estrategia, liderazgo, negociación, entorno económico o toma de decisiones. ZLC - Zaragoza Logistics Center
Avenida de Ranillas 5, Edificio 5A (EXPO), planta baja 50018 Zaragoza
9.500 €
The MIT Zaragoza Master of Engineering in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (ZLOG) offers the unique combination of a world class supply chain degree taught in a truly global setting. Created in 2004 in collaboration with the leading university in the field, the Massachusetts Institute of ZLC - Zaragoza Logistics Center
Avenida de Ranillas 5, Edificio 5A (EXPO), planta baja 50018 Zaragoza
24.300 €
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