100% taught in english. In an ever-changing business landscape shaped by increasingly competitive markets, the entrepreneurial mindset is crucial for managers to bring about creative changes and growth. This program explores the main components of innovation and new venture creation and provides an EU Business School
Av. Diagonal, 648 B 08017 Barcelona
15.600 €
100% taught in english. In an ever-changing business landscape shaped by increasingly competitive markets, the entrepreneurial mindset is crucial for managers to bring about creative changes and growth. This program explores the main components of innovation and new venture creation and provides an EU Business School
Av. Diagonal, 648 B 08017 Barcelona
32.340 €
The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) with a Major in Entrepreneurship is designed to prepare you for the constant challenges of the startup sector and teach you all of the methods and skills that are necessary to succeed in this highly competitive area, with the ultimate goal of becoming a Geneva Business School
Gran Via de Les Corts Catalanes, 617 ppl 08007 Barcelona  | 1 sede más
100% taught in english. The fashion and luxury industry has played an important role in society for centuries. Focusing on business management skills and consumer attitudes toward luxury products with an emphasis on design and creativity, this program prepares students for the projection of a EU Business School
Av. Diagonal, 648 B 08017 Barcelona
15.600 €
100% taught in english. The fashion and luxury industry has played an important role in society for centuries. Focusing on business management skills and consumer attitudes toward luxury products with an emphasis on design and creativity, this program prepares students for the projection of a EU Business School
Av. Diagonal, 648 B 08017 Barcelona
32.400 €
Carrera Superior en Dirección Comercial y Marketing. Estos estudios de tres años de duración, ofrecen una formación dirigida a aquellas personas que deseen desarrollar su carrera profesional en el campo del Marketing, Gestión Comercial, Gestión de Grandes Superficies, Empresas de Distribución, etc. INSA Business, Marketing & Communication School
Torrent de l Olla 208 08012 Barcelona
6.000 €
El Curso de Dirección General - PDG es un programa generalista de desarrollo directivo que potencia un liderazgo efectivo, responsable y sostenible como clave para una gestión holística del negocio: estrategia, operativa y talento. EADA Business School
C/ Aragó, 204 08011 Barcelona
17.000 €
El Bachelor in Management de TBS Business School es un título oficial de grado francés de formación superior universitaria en el área de negocios internacionales y administración de empresas, con especial énfasis en las áreas de gestión y marketing. Este grado en negocios internacionales dota a sus TBS Business School
C/Trafalgar, 10 08010 Barcelona
Más de 10.000 €
El Executive Master en Operaciones e Innovación es el único programa que integra conocimientos de ambas áreas. Se ha creado para dar respuesta a un mercado cada vez más globalizado que exige directivos innovadores y capaces de diseñar estrategias dinámicas a la altura de un entorno cambiante y que Escola Superior d'Administració d'Empreses ESADE
Av. Torre Blanca, 59 08172 Sant Cugat del Vallès, Barcelona
100% taught in english. The BA (Hons) in Business Management (Enterprise) program is designed to prepare students to be future entrepreneurs, with the skills and knowledge to start their own businesses or to run departments within larger companies. The program presents a general business outlook EU Business School
Av. Diagonal, 648 B 08017 Barcelona  | 2 sedes más
13.500 €
100% taught in english. The BA (Hons) in Business with a pathway in Law is a three-year full-time program (180 ECTS). This EQF level 6/NFQ level 8 honors degree program is designed for students intending to pursue a business career in areas where a detailed knowledge of the law is useful. As well EU Business School
Av. Diagonal, 648 B 08017 Barcelona
13.500 €
El Máster en Gestión del Negocio de la Música es un programa especialmente diseñado para todos aquellos estudiantes que tienen la determinación de llevar a cabo un proyecto propio en cualquier ámbito relacionado con el negocio de la música. Está dirigido a profesionales que tienen una idea definida IMB International Music Business School
11.250 €
Desde el año 2004, el programa de posgrado sobre el negocio de la música, creado y dirigido por David Loscos, se ha consolidado como el curso de formación de referencia para todos aquellos que quieren desarrollar su carrera profesional en el sector de la música de habla hispana. Durante 14 IMB International Music Business School
7.500 €
Managers and senior managers in companies associated with the real estate and design industries have, at present, one of the most challenging tasks when it comes to managing, with professionals with high added value in terms of knowledge and experience, the resources allocated to their projects and Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC)
C/ Immaculada, 22, Edificios Gamma y Delta 08017 Barcelona
2.625 €
Por un lado, el diseño es percibido, cada vez más, como una actividad transversal de gestión compleja , en la que se cruzan las necesidades del usuario / consumidor , las dinámicas de mercado y las estrategias empresariales . De un lado, la metodología conocida como gestión del diseño , como modelo Elisava Facultad de Diseño e Ingeniería de Barcelona (UVic-UCC)
La Rambla, 30-32 08002 Barcelona
100% taught in english. The BA (Hons) in Business (Project Management) is a three-year full-time program (180 ECTS) that is designed to provide a strong grounding in fundamental business concepts, ideas, practices and methodologies. Throughout this EQF level 6/NFQ level 8 honors program, students EU Business School
Av. Diagonal, 648 B 08017 Barcelona
13.500 €
This course is designed to provide a wide-ranging degree exploring the leading Accounting and Business Management disciplines. You will develop an in-depth knowledge of the core accounting subjects such as financial and management accounting, accounting information systems and corporate social LONDON METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY
, Barcelona
El Ciclo Formativo de Grado Superior de Administración y Finanzas ofrece una formación de operaciones económicas y financieras, asesoramiento de clientes o usuarios empresas de diferentes sectores (público o privado). Aparte, en este mismo ciclo se incorpora un plus de formación en la gestión de Escola Joviat FPI
C/ Folch i Torres, 5-13 08241 Manresa, Barcelona
Ciclo formativo de grado superior
100% taught in english. The BA (Hons) in Business Management (Finance) program trains students in specialized skills that will enable them to take up a position in the finance industry. Students will be introduced to the key concepts of accounting that will expand their knowledge in financial EU Business School
Av. Diagonal, 648 B 08017 Barcelona
13.500 €
The Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a Major in Oil and Gas Management will provide you with in-depth knowledge and practical training relevant to the specialized field of trading in oil and gas on an International scale. You will learn how to face challenges and make key decisions Geneva Business School
Gran Via de Les Corts Catalanes, 617 ppl 08007 Barcelona
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