Global Master in Structural Projects

1 año
entre 5.000 € y 10.000 €


This Master's has been designed and developed to illustrate the most relevant aspects in the design, execution and maintenance of building and infrastructure projects. Real cases of professionals and companies from the sector are presented, with a focus on sustainability, new technologies and management.
The content of the Master's in Global Structural Projects has been designed so that the student acquires all the necessary knowledge from a theoretical-practical point of view, working and developing real cases, from the first day.
Before, during and after the Master's course, the student can benefit from exclusive services so that the training experience is 360º, with the service of professional careers, social networking, international weeks in Barcelona or Taipei and the Zigurat Community.



Block 1: Building Structural Projects
  • Module 1: Strategic Conception of Structural Projects
  • Module  2: Structural Steel Projects
  • Módulo 3: Structural Concrete Projects
Block 2: Special Structures projects
  • Module 1: Geotechnical Structural Projects
  • Module 2: Seismic Resistant Structural Projects
  • Module 3: Infrastructure Projects
Block 3: Structural Project Management
  • Module 1: Construction, Management and Sustainability
  • Module 2: BIM applied to structural projects
Block 4: Master's Final Thesis




Modalidad: Online.


Próxima convocatoria: Consultar con la secretaría del centro.


  • Provide students with the skills and tools necessary to become a structural engineer with a global vision of the projects.
  • Implement new technologies, innovative work methodologies and management models in the different phases of the project.
  • Acquire a comprehensive knowledge about the typologies of buildings, warehouses, foundations, bridges, maritime works and other types of structures.
  • Analyze current international regulations, as well as sustainability criteria applicable to structural projects.
  • Optimize the resources used and reduce the cost of the final project budget.

Titulación obtenida

Diploma otorgado por Zigurat Global Institute of Technology con el aval de la Universidad de Carabobo.


  • La matrícula incluye una licencia temporal del software MIDAS Civil, CYPE Ingenieros, TEKLA y GEO5, así como la licencia educativa de Autodesk Structural Bridge Design.
Global Master in Structural Projects
Zigurat Global Institute of Technology
Campus y sedes: Zigurat Global Institute of Technology
Zigurat Global Institute of Technology
Gran Vía 45 entlo. 1ª 03630 Alicante
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