Master Degree in International Trade & Business from ESIC University

Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid)
12 meses
Precio 17.100 €


This Master is designed to give you a deep understanding of the drivers of globalization, the process of internationalization, how the global economic environment influences firms' competitive responses, and how the world is interconnected. This program prepares you to deal with the challenges of expanding a business into new global markets along with those of managing teams across cultures and continents.
Once you complete the program, you will obtain the Master Degree in International Trade & Business from ESIC University.


The master´s degree covers several strategic, tactical, and operational concepts used in streamlining global trade. Within the program, we focus on understanding when and how these concepts are applied, as well as on optimization methods for their adequate development.
Strategy, innovation, and technology
  • Business strategy
  • Business ethics and sustainability 
  • Innovation and entrepreneurship
  • World economics
  • Digital Transformation
  • The SME Internationalization
Finance module
  • Finance for managers
  • International finances
  • International banking and risk management
Marketing module
  • International Marketing
  • International Market Selection
  • Developed and emerging countries' strategy
  • Cross-cultural negotiation
Soft skills
  • Communication and leadership
  • Negotiation skills
  • Critical thinking
International operations module
Once we have defined our strategy and the market, it is time to put it into practice and move into an operational stage that allows us to comfortably operate with other stakeholders, like suppliers or customers in terms of contract preparations, terms of sale, Incoterms®, logistics conditions or relevant paperwork to name a few. In other words, operations and the management of this discipline is the area of business concerned with the delivery of the value the company promised and compromised to their customers and encompasses many activities.
  • International Operations Management
  • Project Management
  • Global Supply Chain

Competencias para las que te prepara el curso

Currently, world business today requires working across countries and cultures, and it is a necessity for most firms today to have people with the skills and knowledge that allow them to compete globally.


The MITB is specifically designed for professionals and graduates who, while coming from different backgrounds, have the common goal of developing their competencies in the international arena. Whether you are a seasoned manager who wants to expand personal capacities in the globalized world, or an entrepreneur that considers that acquiring expertise and knowledge in the international market will clear the path for future opportunities, the MITB strives to deliver the best in its class content for anyone interested in learning how to succeed in commerce and trade abroad.


On-site. The Transformative Learning teaching method helps you by implementing innovative active learning methodologies where the teacher puts you at the centre of the learning process and guides you towards academic excellence. The aim is for you to acquire skills through the practical application of knowledge and tools. The resources you will have at your disposal are: Asynchronous support materials, videos, readings, etc. Self-assessment. Tutored application and feedback. Practical and experiential activities. Assessment system that combines demonstration of individual and group achievements. Tutored final project.

Idiomas en los que se imparte



Duration: 12 months (60 credits ECTS). Intakes: Septiembre 2024.


  • You will acquire the perspective on the nature of foreign trade, competitiveness and you'll obtain the competencies to evaluate the complexity of the global business environment by mastering analytical tools for solid decision-making processes.
  • You will be able to develop advanced skills in managing new business models in global scenarios, and understanding the entire supply chain, from complex financial situations to SCM management.
  • You will be able to broaden and shape the capabilities and resources of business managers in the global business environment, providing them with the knowledge and skills demanded by modern international business organizations.
  • You will be prepared to face and learn how to solve complex situations in a systematic fashion in volatile and global scenarios.
  • You will adapt and properly operate in any business environment, or international context.

Titulación obtenida

Master degree from ESIC University.

Perspectivas laborales

International consultant International marketing director and manager Export or import manager International purchasing director and manager Business development International trade specialist Logistics operations specialist Export credit risks manager Sales manager Sales director


The scholarships and grants available are as follows:

  • In-house scholarships
  • National scholarships
  • International scholarships
  • Mobility grants for international internships
  • Insurance and financial aid


Precio 17.100 €
Final price intake 09/2024: 17.100 euros.

Ventajas del curso

Business Study Tour Optional: As a MITB student, you will have the opportunity to take part in an optional Business Study Tour at SISU Shanghai University (Shanghai, China) to undertake the course 'China: Doing Business Under a New Paradigm.' This course offers a deep and updated exploration of the complexities and opportunities in the business environment in China within the context of its rapid transformation. The course is based on a combination of lectures, case studies, practical exercises, and interactive discussions, providing you with a rich and stimulating learning experience. Taught by experts in Chinese business and with access to updated resources, this BST (Business Skills Training) will equip you with the tools and knowledge needed to thrive in the dynamic and challenging Chinese market.


Francisco González López Programme Director MBA, ESSEM. Master in Marketing and Commercial Management, ESSEM. Degree in Economics, UAM. Diploma in Marketing and Commercial Management, ESSEM. Currently: Director Master MITB (International Trade and Business) & MIB (International Business). Previously: General Manager, Combiberia, S.A. Business Development Manager, SEUR.

Lugar donde se imparte el curso

Master Degree in International Trade & Business from ESIC University
ESIC Business & Marketing School
Campus y sedes: ESIC Business & Marketing School
ESIC Business & Marketing School (Avenida Juan XXIII - Pozuelo de Alarcón)
Avenida Juan XXIII, 12, 28224 Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid)
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