Curso de Inglés B1 (70 horas) con tutor nativo en Campus Virtual Oficial de la Universidad de Cambridge

Información del curso
70 horas
Precio 299 €
Único curso online desarrollado por la Universidad de Cambridge. Los alumnos aprenderán inglés desde el propio Campus Virtual Oficial de la Universidad. Su aprendizaje será asistido por un tutor personal nativo, titulado y con experiencia.
Este curso cubre todas las destrezas del idioma (Gramática/Vocabulario, Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking y Pronunciación) a través de teoría, ejercicios interactivos, ejercicios de refuerzo, juegos de contrarreloj, vídeos sobre acontecimientos cotidianos, revisión y exámenes formales.
Este curso cubre todas las destrezas del idioma (Gramática/Vocabulario, Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking y Pronunciación) a través de teoría, ejercicios interactivos, ejercicios de refuerzo, juegos de contrarreloj, vídeos sobre acontecimientos cotidianos, revisión y exámenes formales.
Unit 1:
• Talk about people's behavior using adverbs
• Describe people's personalities using adverbs before adjectives
• Use always with a continuous verb to describe habits
• Use at least to point out the positive side of a situation
• Read online student profiles
• Write a personal profile
• Adjectives vs. manner adverbs
• Adverbs before adjectives and adverbs
• Adjective prefixes
• Behavior and personality
• Personal qualities
• Use always and a continuous verb to talk about things people do more than is usual
• Use at least to point out the positive side of a situation
Unit 2:
• Talk about experiences and secret dreams using the present perfect
• Ask about unusual experiences using present perfect questions
• Keep a conversation going
• Show interest with Do you?, Have you?, etc.
• Read a travel blog
• Write a post for a travel blog
• Present perfect statements
• Present perfect and simple past questions and answers
• Past participles of irregular verbs
• Keep the conversation going
• Use response questions like Do you? and Have you? to show interest
Unit 3:
• Talk about the best, worst, and most beautiful things in your city and country
• Describe natural features
• Use short responses to be a supportive listener
• Use superlatives for emphasis
• Read an article about world records
• Write a factual article about your country
• Superlatives
• Questions with How + adjective . . . ?
• Buildings and structures
• Natural features
• Use short responses with really and sure to agree and be a supportive listener
• Use superlatives to emphasize your opinions and feelings
Unit 4:
• Talk about family life using let, make, help, have, get, want, ask, and tell
• Talk about your immediate and extended family
• Describe memories using used to and would
• Give opinions with expressions like If you ask me
• Agree with opinions using expressions like Absolutely
• Read a blog about family meals
• Write a blog entry about a family memory
• Verbs let, make, help, have, get, want, ask, and tell
• Used to and would
• Types of families
• Relatives and extended family members
• Give opinions with expressions like It seems like . . . and If you ask me, . . .
• Use expressions like exactly, definitely, and absolutely to agree with people's opinions
Unit 5:
• Talk about eating habits using containers and quantities
• Talk about different ways to cook food
• Talk about food using too, too much, many, and enough
• Respond to suggestions by letting the other person decide
• Use expressions like I'm fine to politely refuse offers
• Read about snacks around the world
• Write about a dish from your country
• Review of countable and uncountable nouns
• Quantifiers a little, a few, very little, and very few
• Too, too much, too many, and enough
• Containers and quantities
• Different ways of cooking food
• Respond to suggestions by letting the other person decide
• Refuse offers politely with expressions like No, thanks. I'm fine.
Unit 6:
• Talk about future plans and schedules using will, be going to, present continuous, and simple present
• Ask for and give advice about personal situations using modal verbs and expressions
• Use expressions with make and do
• End phone calls with expressions like I'd better go
• Say good-bye in a friendly, informal way
• Read a blog about multitasking
• Write some advice about time management
• The future with will, be going to, the present continuous, and the simple present
• Use had better, ought to, and might want to to say what's advisable
• Use have to and going to have to to say what's necessary
• Use would rather to say what's preferable
• Expressions with make and do
• End phone conversations with expressions like I'd better go, I've got to go, and I'll call you later
• Use informal expressions like See you later to end friendly phone conversatio?n
• Talk about people's behavior using adverbs
• Describe people's personalities using adverbs before adjectives
• Use always with a continuous verb to describe habits
• Use at least to point out the positive side of a situation
• Read online student profiles
• Write a personal profile
• Adjectives vs. manner adverbs
• Adverbs before adjectives and adverbs
• Adjective prefixes
• Behavior and personality
• Personal qualities
• Use always and a continuous verb to talk about things people do more than is usual
• Use at least to point out the positive side of a situation
Unit 2:
• Talk about experiences and secret dreams using the present perfect
• Ask about unusual experiences using present perfect questions
• Keep a conversation going
• Show interest with Do you?, Have you?, etc.
• Read a travel blog
• Write a post for a travel blog
• Present perfect statements
• Present perfect and simple past questions and answers
• Past participles of irregular verbs
• Keep the conversation going
• Use response questions like Do you? and Have you? to show interest
Unit 3:
• Talk about the best, worst, and most beautiful things in your city and country
• Describe natural features
• Use short responses to be a supportive listener
• Use superlatives for emphasis
• Read an article about world records
• Write a factual article about your country
• Superlatives
• Questions with How + adjective . . . ?
• Buildings and structures
• Natural features
• Use short responses with really and sure to agree and be a supportive listener
• Use superlatives to emphasize your opinions and feelings
Unit 4:
• Talk about family life using let, make, help, have, get, want, ask, and tell
• Talk about your immediate and extended family
• Describe memories using used to and would
• Give opinions with expressions like If you ask me
• Agree with opinions using expressions like Absolutely
• Read a blog about family meals
• Write a blog entry about a family memory
• Verbs let, make, help, have, get, want, ask, and tell
• Used to and would
• Types of families
• Relatives and extended family members
• Give opinions with expressions like It seems like . . . and If you ask me, . . .
• Use expressions like exactly, definitely, and absolutely to agree with people's opinions
Unit 5:
• Talk about eating habits using containers and quantities
• Talk about different ways to cook food
• Talk about food using too, too much, many, and enough
• Respond to suggestions by letting the other person decide
• Use expressions like I'm fine to politely refuse offers
• Read about snacks around the world
• Write about a dish from your country
• Review of countable and uncountable nouns
• Quantifiers a little, a few, very little, and very few
• Too, too much, too many, and enough
• Containers and quantities
• Different ways of cooking food
• Respond to suggestions by letting the other person decide
• Refuse offers politely with expressions like No, thanks. I'm fine.
Unit 6:
• Talk about future plans and schedules using will, be going to, present continuous, and simple present
• Ask for and give advice about personal situations using modal verbs and expressions
• Use expressions with make and do
• End phone calls with expressions like I'd better go
• Say good-bye in a friendly, informal way
• Read a blog about multitasking
• Write some advice about time management
• The future with will, be going to, the present continuous, and the simple present
• Use had better, ought to, and might want to to say what's advisable
• Use have to and going to have to to say what's necessary
• Use would rather to say what's preferable
• Expressions with make and do
• End phone conversations with expressions like I'd better go, I've got to go, and I'll call you later
• Use informal expressions like See you later to end friendly phone conversatio?n
Cada unidad dispone de material teórico, material práctico, vídeos de situaciones cotidianas, estrategias de conversación, videojuegos, revisión y un examen formal.
El curso cubre todas las destrezas del idioma:
- Expresión oral / Speaking
- Expresión escrita / Writing
- Comprensión auditiva / Listening
- Comprensión lectora / Reading
- Pronunciación
Precio 299 €
Precio inicial: 399 euros. Precio en oferta: 299 euros.
Además al finalizar el curso el alumno recibirá un cupón de descuento por valor de 100 euros para su próximo curso.
Curso de Inglés B1 (70 horas) con tutor nativo en Campus Virtual Oficial de la Universidad de Cambridge
English With Cambridge
Campus y sedes: English With Cambridge
English With Cambridge
Avda. Menéndez y Pelayo, nº 8
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